Marketing events companies


Marketing for events companies


A long-established supplier of equipment and services to the events industry required marketing support.

Project Type

Website development, lead generation, marketing automation, rapid implementation.

Project Length

2 weeks


The events company client was keen to generate increased sales. They briefed us with a website rebuild to achieve this.


The renew team analysed the current internet presence of the client. The existing site for this events industry company was getting traffic, evidenced by Google analytics and a ‘free downloads’ area, but the data these provided wasn’t being analysed or acted upon. Renew conducted a comprehensive analysis of the website and the traffic performance to show where the website was and wasn’t performing.


There was a misconception on the client’s side. They believed their existing website was no longer adequate for the company they’d grown into. There had been no website development plan, so they thought it was time to start over and create a website that could accommodate their new needs.

In actual fact and on closer investigation, although the website was indeed tired, the immediate results the client required wouldn’t be satisfied by a website rebuild. The time scales and budget were simply too tight.

Renew approach

Our investigations allowed us to identify where we could significantly improve on the event company’s objectives of increasing leads and enquiries with a minimal investment of time or money. When inbound enquiries immediately improved, we were able to use these to justify the investment in further development of the site.

A full website redevelopment doesn’t take place overnight, so we proposed an automated marketing campaign for an immediate boost in sales. We used rmcom, our marketing automation suite, to send out a notification-loaded email to the company’s large database of subscribers. Any time anyone clicked a link in the email, the sales team received an instant notification of the person’s activity and contact details.


Over 200 leads were generated in the first two hours.

The leads were generated by reporting interactions with a promotional email directly back to the sales team, populated with the recipient’s information and evidence of the interaction made.

When a new marketing manager joined the business, he expressed a desire to segment their data with types of interest. Due to the work Renew had already carried out, rmcom held preference information from the previous mailer, giving the new marketing manager exactly what he needed straight away. It’s safe to say, renew offers significant value in marketing events companies.

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