Marketing Consultants

Marketing Consultants

Marketing consultants provide customer with a method to access experienced professionals on a flexible “ad-hoc” basis. For many business owners looking to grow, marketing becomes a task that really needs a professional set of eyes on it so that you can keep yours “on the ball” and doing what you need to do.

Choosing the right marketing consultant should be about facts and evidence rather than personality. Rather than marketing ideas, look for facts, evidence and measurability.

Why use consultants?
You’re most certainly an expert at what you do. But unless that’s running a marketing agency, you won’t be an expert at marketing. However, this is one of the most critical business functions to achieving success. If you don’t market your products and services adequately, you won’t make sales. And if you want to increase your market share, you need to market brilliantly—as the world is more competitive than ever before. This is one area where taking advice from an expert can pay real dividends.
What to expect
When you appoint a marketing consultant what should you expect? Experience in all forms of marketing goes without saying. But what else? We believe that it’s important, before anything else can happen, that we get to know your business. We like to do research—into your customers, your products, your market and your competition. Because we believe in evidence-based marketing. Only when we feel comfortable that we know what you need will we start to put your marketing strategy in place.
your marketing goals
In today’s fractured marketplaces, it can be hard to know where to start. Your target audience needs to be split into definable segments, with different messages to target each segment across the channels they are most comfortable with. Marketing in the digital age is certainly more complex, which is why most companies could benefit from the involvement of a marketing consultancy.
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Renew can provide your company with an evidence-based strategy that can bring you a better ROI on your marketing budget.

Marketing Consultants Services

Assess your activities
The eyes of experience provided by a marketing consultant will help you find the right information to use when devising and implementing marketing activities.
Identify your markets
Being very precise about you target audience will help you get better results from your marketing activity.
Develop your offer
Consumers and customers respond to offers. Its scientifically proven. Use a marketing consultant to help make yours as attractive as it can be.
Build a strategy
Having a marketing strategy gives you the basis for building plans and forecasting growth. Get it done efficiently by using a marketing consultant.
Devise campaigns
Creating campaigns that work across a mix of marketing channels is where marketing consultants can show you a lot of value. The benefit of knowledge and experience will help you achieve quicker wins.
Implement plans
Starting at the beginning can be challenging when you don’t know what you’re doing. A marketing consultant will know the swiftest and most efficient methods to achieve the strategies and plans set out.
Report and measure
Often understimated but one of the most important parts of your marketing activity is the measurement and reporting. Rely on evidence and on a marketing consultant who knows how to digest the information.
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