rmcom pricing

How is rmcom priced?

rmcom is charged in 2 ways. There is a monthly service charge plus your send fees.

Monthly access charges

Access fees are calculated based on the peak number of contacts during the month.


Basic price

5000 contacts

  • Unlimited users
  • 100’s of FREE templates


Standard price

5001 – 15000 contacts

  • Unlimited users
  • 100’s of FREE templates


Premium price

15001 – 50000 contacts

  • Unlimited users
  • 100’s of FREE templates


Corporate price

50001 – 500000 contacts

  • Unlimited users
  • 100’s of FREE templates


Monthly email send fees

Email send fees vary subject to number of sends. Charges are calculated monthly.

2000 emails

5p each

2000-10000 emails

2p each

10000-1000000 emails

1p each

1000000+ emails

let’s talk


SMS & Automation fees


9.5p each

Automation module


This is where the most value in rmcom sits

  • Includes Click Through Notifications
  • Includes Triggers & Actions
  • Includes Automatic Messaging
  • Includes Customer defined communication